

Relational Quantum Mechanicsを関係量子力学と訳したけれどこれでよかったのか気になる。Relationalは形容詞なので ,関係的とかではないのかと思った。考えてみれば,リレーショナル・データベースの場合もカタカナでなければ関係データベースなわけで,英和辞典の例をみれば,ほとんどの場合,関係+名詞でよかった。

Relational Quantum Mechanics(RQM)の日本での評判を調べてみた。CiNiiではゼロでした。つまりは,ほとんど問題にもされていないということか。


もう1つは高知工科大学の全卓樹さんと阿蘇の史(Jimmy Ames)さんのTwitter上での議論だ(Carlo Rovelliの関係的量子力学をめぐって)。全さんの否定的評価を中心とした対話が続いていた(2017年)。まあ,最終的な落とし所はそこまででもなかったのかもしれない。



The Oxford Handbook of the History of Quantum Interpretations
Full Professor of Physics and History of Physics Olival Freire Jr
Oxford University Press, 2022/03/07 - 1312p
Introduction 1 

Part I Quantum Physics - Scienftific and Philosophical Issues Under Debate
1. Quantum Mechanics is Routinely Used in Laboratories with Great Success, but No Consensus on its Interpretation has Emerged 7
2. Philosophical Issues Raised by Quantum Theory and its Interpretations 53

Part II Historical Landmarks of the Interpretations and Foundations of Quantum Physics
3. Quantization Conditions, 1900-1927 77
4. Of Weighting and Counting: Statistics and Ontology in the Old Quantum Theory 95
5. Dead as a Doornail? Zero-Point Energy and Low-Temperature Physics in Early Quantum Theory 117
6. The Early Debates about the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 135
7. Foundations and Applications: The Creative Tension in the Early Development of Quantum Mechanics 173
8. The Statistical Interpretation: Born, Heisenberg, and von Neumann 1926-27 203
9. A Perennially Grinning Cheshire Cat? Over A Century of Experiments on Light Quanta and Their Perplexing Interpretations 233
10. The Evolving Understanding of Quantum Statistics 255
11. The Measurement Problem 281
12. Einstein's Criticism of Quantum Mechanics 303
13. Tackling Loopholes in Experimental Tests of Bell's Inequality 339
14. The Measuring Process in Quantum Field Theory 371
15. The Interpretation Debate and Quantum Gravity 393
16. Quantum Information and the Quest for Reconstruction of Quantum Theory 417
17. Natural Reconstructions of Quantum Mechanics 437
18. The Axiomatization of Quantum Theory through Functional Analysis: Hilbert, von Neumann, and Beyond 473
19. Tony Leggett's Challenge to Quantum Mechanics and its Path to Decoherence 495

Part III Places and Contexts Relevant for the Interpretations of Quantum Theory
20. The Copenhagen Interpretation 521
21. Copenhagen and Niels Bohr 543
22. Grete Hermann's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 567
23. Instrumentation and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 587
24. Early Solvay Councils: Rhetorical Lenses for Quantum Convergence and Divergence 615
25. The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in Post-War Italy's Cultural Context 641
26. Foundations of Quantum Physics in the Soviet Union 667
27. Early Japanese Reactions to the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1927-1943 687
28. Form and Meaning: Textbooks, Pedagogy, and the Canonical Genres of Quantum Mechanics 709
29. Chien-Shiung Wu's Contributions to Experimental Philosophy 735
30. On How Epistemological Letters Changed the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 755
31. Quantum Interpretations and 20th Century Philosophy of Science 777

Part IV Historical and Philosophical Theses
32. Bohr and the Epistemological Lesson of Quantum Mechanics 797
33. Making Sense of the Century-Old Scientific Controversy over the Quanta 825
34. Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in the Post-war Era 847
35. The Reception of the Forman Thesis in Modernity and Postmodernity 871
36. Quantum Historiography and Cultural History: Revisiting the Forman Thesis 887
37. The Co-creation of Classical and Modern Physics and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 909
38. Interpretation in Electrodynamics, Atomic Theory, and Quantum Mechanics 937

Part V The Proliferation of Interpretations
39. Hidden Variables 957
40. Pure Wave Mechanics, Relative States, and Many Worlds 987
41. Is QBism a Possible Solution to the Conceptual Problems of Quantum Mechanics? 1007
42. Agential Realism -- A Relation Ontology Interpretation of Quantum Physics 1031
43. The Relational Interpretation 1055
44. The Philosophy of Wholeness and the General and New Concept of Order: Bohm's and Penrose's Points of View 1073
45. Spontaneous Localization Theories Quantum Philosophy between History and Physics 1103
46. The Non-Individuals Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1135
47. Modal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics 1155
48. A Brief Historical Perspective on the Consistent Histories Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1175
49. Einstein, Bohm, and Bell: A Comedy of Errors 1197
50. The Statistical Ensemble Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1223
51. Stochastic Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics 1247
Index 1265

写真:The History of Quantum Interpretationの書影(amazonより引用)

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